Romeo and Juliet

What does Shakespeare teach us from the consequences Romeo has to face by his Decisions?

Shakespeare is a famous Elizabethan writer who has written plays for many years. Many of his plays are to do with prejudice, love and feuds between the characters. One of his plays, “Romeo and Juliet” portrays the three themes getting jumbled up to create a romantic but yet tragic play. The two young teenagers (Romeo and Juliet) fall in love by first sight “Did my heart love till now? Forswear it, sight! For I ne’ver saw true beauty till this night!” In the duration of the four days of the play, the two main characters have a tragic death caused by each of their decisions they had made.

Romeo is one of the main characters who makes many big decisions and has to pay countless consequences for it. For example, when Romeo kills Tybalt, he says, “O, I am fortune’s fool” knowing he had just ruined his and Juliet’s future. This is paid in consequence as Prince Escales banishes him from Verona meaning he is to leave Verona immediately and never return. It was only out of anger which made Romeo kill Tybalt and it was not intentional. This was more a mistake than a decision though Romeo could have stopped himself from murdering someone.

One of the biggest decisions in the play made by Romeo was when he first decided to go find Juliet after meeting her at the ball. He still did this even though he knew their families were enemies, “My name, dear saint, is hateful to myself because it is an enemy to thee.” This affected the whole play as they planned to get married and run away. If this didn’t happen, it is possible that Romeo and Juliet would never have been together. I think what Shakespeare is trying to show us here is, you shouldn’t try turning something good if it’s already bad, it’ll just get worst and worst. In this case, the problem ended with death.

Another decision Romeo makes which is very important part in the play is when he decides to suicide after seeing Juliet...