Roles, Responsabilities and Relationships

Understand the teaching role and responsibilities in education and training.
To be a Spanish teacher not only cover an inclusive teaching but also it is about the learning that takes place as a result of my teaching. To explain my teaching role, responsibilities and boundaries in education I am going to use the Teaching Cycle that provides a good structure within which roles, responsibilities and boundaries can be assessed and reflected upon.

The planning stage of the teaching cycle- As a teacher I will have to identify three different types of needs: the Organisation ‘s need where I work , my own needs as a teacher and very important the needs of my learners.
Usually there will be a first stage in the teaching cycle that it is an interview to the learners before the course and their application process. I may not need to do by myself; other professionals from my organisation may do it as for example administrative and/or financial staff but I will need to interact with them because I will use this information as a referred to plan the course until I meet the learners.
To describe the elements of learners needs we can use the acronym SPICE (very often used at   Early childhood education) that identify: Social   –how the learner interact with others, Physical – how the learner   access learning, Intellectual –how he/she gains new knowledge or skill, Cultural – his/hers beliefs or values, Emotional – his/hers motivations or abilities to concentrate, All of which as a teacher I will need to try to identify, always respecting the learners right of not to disclose his/hers needs and the legal obligation related to data protection and confidentiality.

The Plan and Design stage of the teaching cycle - As a teacher I should design the course to reflect all the individual differences I meet in the group, but also the entire course’s requirements. I have to design or implemented the course and session length, the size of the group, the environment. I need to do the...