Roles and Boundaries in Teaching

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Review what your role, responsibilities and boundaries as a teacher would be in terms of the teaching/training cycle.

Within further or adult education a teacher adopts many roles and they vary from one learning institution to another. But in most centres teachers are responsible for the student’s progress in their studies and their well-being. Although no two individuals are the same, it is the way a person implements these tasks that may make them an effective teacher.   Within this assignment I hope to explore the roles and responsibilities and the qualities a person needs to perform well within a training/teaching environment.

One of the main responsibilities of the teacher in education is as an information provider, to pass on their knowledge and understanding of a subject or topic.   Whether this be in providing in depth lectures on a subject or a more practical based approach that may include demonstrations. A teacher providing information can be a way of passing on new information within their specified field that is not available in dated texts.   A   teacher therefore needs to be knowledgeable in their field and have a way of translating that information to a level that their students will understand. If the teacher is not confident in their field how do they expect the student to learn from the course. They should encourage two way communication on the subject in hand. However, the teacher should not profess to know it all, but to be willing to learn from the students. ‘Knowledge may be seen as a level of awareness, consciousness or familiarity gained by experience, learning or thinking.’ (Jarvis 1983). It is important that the teacher appreciate any input from his or her students, whether the answer or correct or not and will instil confidence and motivation from within the student and help their learning experience.   According to theorist   Robert Gagne, motivation is the first phase of the learning process, whether that be...