
Rodamia International Trade         page 1
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International Trade Simulation
Tyleen Wilson
June 6, 2011

University of Phoenix
XECO 212
Hamsa Wilson
In Through international trade, every country worldwide can benefit by either Importation or exportation of goods and services. The balance that can be achieved through this shared use of resources fosters a healthy global economy. The foundation of our economy today is one which is defined by both Disadvantages and advantages. Trade from foreign countries is a controversial Issue among all economists and many politicians.

The first goal in trade is to allow each country’s economy remain fruitful and productive through the provision of goods and services to each country that are not readily available in the other. This is true for all countries and all goods and services. If international trade did not take place, then some products could not be produced. The potential for economic growth would be smothered and the demand supply cycle would be entirely different than it is today.

A country that makes the trade beyond its own borders has a significant advantage if not the ability to be competitive in such market is weak. Each country has a product or service of some type that is readily available to various countries and true in all levels of manufacturing, production, and labor supply.

The ‘Absolute and comparative advantage’ is a specific indication that by any situation each type of gain arises from variable types of circumstances. An example Of absolute advantage that occurs would be a producer who manufactures a chain of products at a higher rate than the contending company and use only the same amount of resources as his contender.   This too occurs, except for one country has land that is richer, and generates a higher tonnage per acre.
Comparative advantage strategically obtains the advantage in one service or product that also takes...