Reviw of the 7 Habits of Successful People

Pablo Clark
Professor Smith
English 215
03 December 2010
“The Transformation of Montag and The Little Chinese Seamstress” Part 1, Question 1
          In Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451 and Dai Sijie’s Balzaz and the Little Chinese Seamstress the reader is presented with examples of radical transformations of some of their characters. In Dai Sijie’s book as early on as the introduction of his character the little seamstress, we are presented with the template of her life’s situations. She is introduced as the “princess of Phoenix Mountain”, and we are given the additional imagery that she is sporting quite an elaborate pigtail which reaches the small of her back (Sijie 21). We are taken through the story without much more thought as to her personal appearance then surprisingly, the seamstress dons a tailored Mao jacket and a makeover which strikes us as the attire of a City lady and a Chinese mainstreamer . Sijie’s character Dai paints this picture clearly in; “I rubbed my eyes in disbelief as the scene froze into a still image: the girl with the mannish jacket, bobbed hair, and white shoes...” (182). This, had occurred shortly before the girl that had been the princess of Phoenix Mountain would run off to experience life in the city. Thus, she goes through the physical transformational change of her personal appearance and the physical change of her location in that she was no longer the pigtailed mountain girl but had morphed into an independent city girl.
    The story set in rural China during Chairman Mao’s rule and takes place in a small mountain village where the youths of reactionary individuals (as labeled by the government), were sent for re-education. Our seamstress enchanted two of these youths and proclaimed to them early on in their meeting, that they not need think that she was a fool and that she liked talking to people that could read and write (25).
    Luo reveals to us in; “We made love there against the trunk. Standing. She was a...