Responding to Feedback

Responding to feedback
Ask five people to answer the following questions…….
Do people regularly give you feedback on your performance in your work role?
1 - No
2- Yes
3- Yes
4- No
5- N0
Is this feedback given formally? If so how often?
1 – No
2 – Yes every six months
3 – Yes on appraisal
4 – No
5 – No
Is the feedback given informally? If so how often?
1 – No
2 – Yes every half term
3 – No
4 – N0
5 – No
Describe how you would most like to receive feedback.
1 – one to one
2 – on appraisal
3 – on a weekly basis
4 – one to one
5 – in the playroom
How do you normally respond to feedback?
1 – Well
2 – Depends on the situation
3 – I don’t like it
4 – Well
5 – Good I like to know how I am doing
Give examples of times when you have received feedback that has made you make changes to your life or working practices.
1 – On appraisal was told I need to communicate better booked onto a course to improve my communication skills. Which I have since completed and I feel better when talking to people.
2 – Manager praised me when doing an activity which has boosted my confidence.
3 – Was told I need to manage my time during the day better. I now asses what I am doing making sure we have enough time to complete activity.
4 – received a letter from a parent saying how much their child had enjoyed a certain activity so will make sure we do this again.
5 – Had feedback from other staff that I could have set out an activity better so now we come together as a team to discuss how we are going to do something and share ideas.

Reflecting on the information

After gathering all the information it shows that not all practitioners receive feedback. Receiving regular feedback is important so that we can evaluate our current knowledge and performance. It is good to gain feedback on a regular basis so we can learn and highlight any weaknesses. And use this feedback to make beneficial changes if needed to the practice. Out of the five people I questioned...