Relevant Leadership Styles

Describe what leadership is and all the relevant leadership styles
There are various definitions and concepts by a variety of people it comes to defining leadership. According to G a Cole leadership is a " dynamic process in a group whereby one individual influences the others contribute voluntarily to the achievement of group tasks in a given situation." Leadership engages other people, for example subordinates. The role of the leader is to direct subordinates towards set goals or aims and objectives of the group or the business. Subordinates help define a leaders status by how much there are willing to listen and accept direction from the leader. Weak leaders tend to have no respect from group members and find it hard if not impossible to direct them. Leadership involves an unequal division of power between the people or person in charge and group members. This allows order and coordination within a group or organisation if there is one clear leader, employees will know who to refer to for confirmation on decisions or when problems arise. It should be noted however that some employees are note entirely powerless; they do contribute and shape activities in the group in various ways. If a group is to be highly effective and successful every member needs to contribute and play a part form start to finish, but more power usually concentrated in the hands of the leader.

Different leaders have different forms of power; reward, coercive, legitimate, referent and expert power.
Reward power is formed on the leader having the skill to reward group members for getting instructions done and achieving set goals. Employees are more likely to work harder if they know their efforts will be recognised and rewarded. Rewards could include promotion, pay rise or a bonus. Reward power is highly used in the workforce as a form of disciplining and motivating employees.
Coercive power is formed on the leader's capability to make subordinates accountable for not achieving...