Regional Planning

Regional and Strategic Planning |
Tutor Marked Assignment: Module 3 |

1. Introduction 2
1.1 Requirement of the Tutor Marked Assignment 2
1.2 Scope of report 2
1.3 Methodology 2
1.4 Report Structure 4
2. Climate Change and Rural Regeneration 5
2.1 Chosen issues and their presentation in the RSS 5
2.1.1 Climate Change 5
2.1.2 Rural Regeneration 6
2.2 Relevance of the issues 7
2.2.1 The issue of climate change on the East Midlands 7
2.2.2 The impact of the East Midlands on climate change 10
2.2.3 Rural regeneration in the East Midlands 10
3. Strategic policies associated with climate change and rural regeneration, their mechanisms, agencies and success 12
3.1 List of policies and their agencies 12
3.2 Success of strategic policies implemented 15
4. Conclusions 17
5. Selected Bibliography 19
6. Appendix A 21

  1. Introduction
1.1 Requirement of the Tutor Marked Assignment
The Tutor Marked Assignment (TMA) requires two main issues in a chosen Regional Spatial Strategy (RSS) to be explained and assessed. Until recently eight geographic regions within England issued a document, a RSS, for the purpose of providing broad development strategy for Local Planning Authorities (LPAs). RSSs are prepared by analysing data and reports to evaluate trends and assess needs, with consideration of the UKs planning policy statements and European Union (EU) directives. The TMA asks how the RSSs present these issues or needs and how they are relevant to the region chosen.
1.2 Scope of report
The RSS focused upon is the East Midlands Regional Plan, published in March 2009. A map of the East Midlands region is reproduced in Figure 1. The Plan identifies several significant issues for the area, two of which are climate change and rural regeneration. In this report the current East Midlands RSS has been compared to other current RSSs and the draft RSS of the South West Region. The London Plan has been excluded due to...