Reform Movement Dbq

Reform Movement DBQ
America took the time between 1825 and 1850 to try and improve its social rights. Some of the reforms included temperance of alcohol, slavery abolition, and women’s equality rights. Others that were not as significant reforms included prison and mental asylum movements, church, and diet reforms.   During the time period between 1825 and 1850, many forms of reform movements emerged and changed the democratic ideals in America, changing its social views as well.
The temperance movement began when sober citizens and wives that were abused were noticing changes in men’s behaviors when they drank alcohol. People who drank were not thought of highly, and a drunk husband that beat his wife was looked down upon (Document H). Because of protests, rallies, and propaganda, social ideals were strengthened as more and more people tried to expose the government to major national problems.   Most of these reformers did not fight for just one cause. Church reformers were also anti alcoholism, and so were women’s rights proponents since women were getting beat by their drunk husband. Alcohol temperance's reform techniques included revivals where they were preaching door to door and town to town (Document B).
One of the stronger and more popular reform movements was the women’s rights movement. Many strong independant women led this, such as Elizabeth Cady Stanton, and most reformers also supported this movements and were activists.The purpose of and message women’s rights activists wanted to convey to the government was equal rights for women, both women at home and working women (Document I). Many of those advocating women’s rights were a part of a cult of domesticity, and felt as though they were trapped in their own social class. They slowly gained their rights and equality.   Women’s rights activists were also involved with temperance and slavery abolition.
Prison reform was led by the famous reformer Dorthea Dix.She wanted improvement of the prison system...