Reflective Account

Please write a reflective account on how you have supported an individual how to support an individual with speficfwith specific communication needs. you can click on gap analysis and look at unit 4222-324
o assist.

I have supported Miss K who could not speak language of media which made it difficult to communicate. I   was supported by Miss K's family and friends who could speak the language of media who supported me by writing down and translated basic words commonly used, supported by my colleague who could speak Miss K's language by occasionally coming to visit Miss K which made Miss K look happier and the Embassy from Miss K's country was also contacted following the company policy and procedures to provide a professional interpreter which relieved stress from Miss K. I avoided children interpreters as they always miss important points and children are not to be involved in sensitive family matters which are with emotional involvement and when seeking advice. I discussed the communication problem with my line manager, who was of good help by organising appropriate communication aids.
I am trained about methods to support an individual with special needs as Miss K could not communicate because of language barrier,   I applied methods such as hand signals, information video printed pictures. I avoided using pen and notebooks as Miss K was not able to read and write language of media. I supported Miss K with respect and dignity whenever communicating or giving her information. I always gave her enough time to listen and express herself. I always gave her pleasant facial expression and stayed calm when using physical gestures. I used to involve Miss K during personal care and daily chores demonstrating first every procedure first to make it easy for her to perform as we could not communicate. I also encouraged Miss K to use PPE telling her the advantages of using and disadvantages of not using PPE. Miss K used to be irritable and always in tears during her...