Ref Journal


On the last day of discussion and reporting, the trends and issues concerning nursing, both in education and practice, was tackled. In nursing education, the enrollees decreased this year. An online education is now being offered especially to those working in different countries and who don’t have time to enter the school because of his/her works in a hospital institution. A lot of different specialization in nursing had come to practice. There were only few nurses working in hospitals. Most nurses are now working in nursing homes. A rise in home health care has also been happening. These were the trends in nursing practice nowadays.
Currently here in the Philippines, a lot of nursing schools had opened. There had been a lot of nursing graduates and board passers. However, the job opportunities waiting for the new nurses had not increased. As a result to this, there was an oversupply of nurses in our country. A lot of people took up the course of nursing for the reason and hope to work outside the country and give their family a better future. This reason should be eradicated or lessened. Our main reason should be to help the sick and in need. Nurses care for the life of a people which is a very vital thing.
Nowadays, the hiring of nurses outside the country had been lessened because of the economy problem in the United States wherein it also affects a lot of countries. However, there are still countries open for hiring of nurses but most are requiring at least two (2) years of experience. The problem of nurses here in the Philippines is where to get the experience needed. There were not enough job opportunities. It is also the reason why nurse entrepreneurship had come into business. A lot of nurses too are now being underemployed. The government should make a move or project to decrease the number of unemployed nurses in the country.
I definitely agree that later on the demand for nurses would increase because health service would...