Recruitment Strategy and Job Offer Process Hrm 548

To: Board of Directors
From: HR Consultant
Date: October 3, 2010
Re: Recruitment Strategy and Job Offer Process
As businesses differ, so do the recruitment strategies used by differing industries such as education, engineering, and business. For the purpose of this memo, the recruitment strategy discussed will be geared toward the business industry. In addition, insight will be provided as to why the selected recruitment strategy is the best suited for the business industry. Finally, the desired job offer process will be discussed.
Recruitment Strategies
Reaching a decision to recruit potential applicants is the beginning of the recruitment phase of staffing an organization. Would the organization benefit from an open or targeted recruitment strategy? The answer to this question is based on the needs of the organization. If the organization is not limited on the amount of time available to staff a position, open recruitment may be a better option (Messmer, 1999). However, if the organization must rely on recruiting potential new employees based on a particular criterion, the obvious recruitment strategy would be to target those individuals who meet the needs of the organization.
When a business secures a contract to provide a service which requires hiring over 50 employees, the only option of the organization is to use the open recruitment strategy. The open recruitment strategy allows for securing an extensive applicant pool containing a diverse group of individuals (Heneman & Judge, 2009). With the open recruitment strategy, the organization obtains a pool of potential employees with various levels of knowledge, skills, abilities, and other characteristics (KSAOs) from which to choose from.
If the need of the business is to hire as many individuals as possible in a short period of time, an extensive applicant pool often provides the organization with more than enough individuals to fill the vacant positions (“Recruiting...