Record Keeping

On any learning programme a tutor is required to assess candidates learning and keep a range of records.
Review and evaluate a range of different assessment methods available for a tutor to use throughout the teaching/ training cycle and explain the ones you would use in the context of your subject area.
Justify the types of records you would keep for assessment and in the wider context of your teaching.

Record keeping is an essential element without which it would be impossible to ascertain many important factors integral to the teaching and learning process. Broadly speaking, there are three main reasons for keeping records. Firstly, for Health and Safety reasons. Secondly, for teaching purposes, so the teacher knows what the student has done and can track their progress. Thirdly, for auditing and quality standards, which may mean the organization may need to satisfy external agencies who may have financial and quality interests (Watts 2008: online).
Many of the records mentioned above are required by law to be kept complete and organised, often for a number of years after the pupils or teachers involvement. For example; accident books or records must be kept for 3 years after the last entry, wage or salary records for a minimum of 6 years, and some Health and Safety Assessments are recommended to be kept permanently.
Access to personnel records and the Data Protection Act 1998 (DPA) is another important factor. Almost all records now come under the Act, and it is the main piece of legislation that governs and defines UK law on the processing of data. The Act applies to most personnel records, whether held in paper, computer or other formats.
To understand and justify the type of records we need to keep it is helpful to look at the learner’s journey over the course.

The learner would normally join a course after being recommended by an outside agency such as Connexions, JobCentrePlus, etc. or seeing some sort of marketing material. Here the...