Recor Keeping

What are Assessment, Record-Keeping and Reporting?

Assessment is concerned with judgements of ability, attitude and achievement.   It includes formative and summative assessment.

Record keeping is concerned with organising and storing evidence of assessment and with monitoring children's progress through the National curriculum.
It is a continuous, integral process, aiding communication between teachers, children and parents.
It informs curriculum planning at all levels through the completion of manageable formats.
To be effective, records should be updated regularly.

Reporting is concerned with informing others about the learning that has taken place.
It fulfils legal requirements, but is also a vital part of our relationship with parents and those striving to support and promote children's learning.


to enable teachers to reflect upon children as learners
to enable teachers to assess children's progress in terms of skills, concepts, knowledge and understanding
to assist teachers in future planning
to provide a range of evidence of pupils; achievements in all areas of the curriculum
to support pupils in identifying the next step and thus to improve standards
to set targets
to inform parents and Governors


Baseline assessment will help in our assessment of children's needs on entry to school

Formative assessment will be ongoing throughout KS1 and 2 and will be used as a basis to assist teachers in deciding how pupils' learning can be taken forward.
It will also provide teachers and other adults involved, with the means of identifying the possible need for further assessments or support for particular pupils with Special Educational needs.

It will involve:

Observation - formal and informal; listening and discussing work.   It can include observations from parents, other teachers/adults and the learners themselves.   There are daily Evaluation boxes on our Planning Sheets for teachers to make note of any significant...