Realted Text Rabbit Proof Fence


Rabbit Proof Fence

Journeys allow individuals at any age to make certain decisions that can lead them to a better life. Obstacles occur throughout a journey, and can be overcome by the individuals intellectual mind or by assistance. The film Rabbit Proof Fence directed by Phillip Noyce depicts a leader undertaking a physical, emotional, and spiritual journey along with two others. They were returning   to their families as they were dragged away from them. Rabbit proof fence allows one to understand the vast connection between the Aboriginal people, the land, families and their courage. Through this portraying one very strong journey.

Hardly any food, water or barely any proper shoes whilst walking on rocks, through water and the harshest parts of mother nature can portray ones physical strength . The aspect of a physical journey is portrayed through Rabbit Proof Fence. Molly, Daisy and Gracie three young aboriginal children were torn away from their families by the white people. They were about to undertake obstacles relating to the physical environment and escaping from the white people so they could return to their home.   In scene 8 the long shots and the mid angle shots demonstrate the harsh land and the colours portray a dry vast long desert, with the children battling against the heat and trying to find water or food in any possible way. The colours and props used within the movie represent a vast and long journey for three young aboriginal kids. It is portrayed through the red, orange and yellow warm colours. Aboriginal lady states “You girls from Moore river… that’s a long walk 800 miles plus, you must be tired here I’ll give you some food, water and shoes…” This quote depicts the ruggedness of the natural environment and how the children travelled by foot for a long distance. It also portrays empathy towards the aboriginal people as the aboriginal lady was too afraid to run away when she was captured. She was afraid of the long...