Qcf Level 5 Unit 1

Unit 1 : Support Children’s Care, Learning and Development in the Early Years

1.1 Outline early years curriculum models supporting children’s care, learning and development

Early year’s settings within Wales work to two curriculum areas, The first one is for age range of 0-3 years, which comes under the title Birth To Three Matters. The second is for age range 3-5 years which has the title The Foundation Phase. Birth To Three MattersThis is not a curriculum but a framework guideline and is meant to give a better start for children and their families. This framework is set to help prevent underachievement when children go to school by helping them be ready to learn when they begin school. The main emphasis is to value children from 0-3years as competent learners. The framework aims to encouraging learning through interaction and exploration of the world around them and recognises the whole of their learning and development including those that may have factors that affect their learning and development. The framework supports childcare practitioners and provides them with the opportunities to reflect on their own practice. The fundamental idea behind the Birth to Three framework is about the adults that are at the heart of the child’s well being and their relationships with other children and adults alike as these are important for children. Therefore key people are imperative both at home and in the setting. Each child’s needs are at the centre of the settings planning and should allow for the child to make their own errors, decisions and choices as they need to learn to be independent whilst having someone to depend on.

The Birth to Three Framework is organised through four different aspects:

1. A strong child2. A skilful communicator3. A competent learner4. A healthy child.
The Foundation Phase Cuuriculum is set to promote positive links between home and childcare and education providers. It aims to ensure that all children have a flying start in...