Qcf Level 5 Safeguarding

Unit 7 Safeguarding and Protection of Vulnerable Adults
1. Understand the legislation, regulations and policies that underpin the protection of vulnerable adults
Outcome 1.1 Analyse the differences between the concept of safeguarding and the concept of protection in relation to vulnerable adults
Protection is a paternalistic approach to managing risk, i.e. creating the circumstances under which risk is minimised at cost of infringing on the rights of vulnerable adults to take risks they consider to be acceptable. Safeguarding also involves protection of vulnerable adults, but in a way that involves those adults in the management of their own safety, and implies collaborative working to enable a person to take risks they understand and consider to be acceptable. An example of the differences would be an adult with severe an enduring MH problems who wants to visit his family, who live in a developing nation. A ‘protection’ approach might involve a risk manager simply saying no, that the risks are too high, e.g. lack of proper MH facilities in the country being visited, difficulties the person has had in managing their medication, uncertainty about how the person would maintain contact with UK support services if necessary, thereby making the decision to ‘protect’ the person from these risks, without fully involving that person in the decision making process. This could potentially lead to the person being prevented from travelling under the MHA or MCA, e.g. if it was considered that due to the fact of their having a particular diagnosis and based on historical behaviour they were not able to fully appreciate the risks involved or manage them effectively.   A safeguarding approach would involve a more in-depth review process, involving the service user and anyone else they would like to bring, e.g. a family member or friend. Possible compromises would be considered, e.g. travelling with a trusted family member or friend, or possible using a Personal Budget (PB) or...