Qcf Level 3

Unit 022     Understand Child and Young Person Development

A.C 2 – Explain the difference between sequence of development and rate of development and why the difference is important.

The ‘Sequence of Development' is the progression in all areas from birth to adulthood that will be the same for most children.

For example:
    • Physical – A child will first hold up their head, then sit (aided then un-aided), will learn to crawl, then cruise (walk holding onto furniture), then walk with assistance, then walk independently and then, finally run.   This development has to happen in this order.   A child not strong enough to hold up their head obviously cannot yet sit, and so-on.
    • Intellectual/Cognitive – A baby knows to cry for attention, as time goes on they will ‘learn’ that smiling and ‘cooing’ etc. also have an effect on others.   As they understand more about the world and people around them, they then work out ways of achieving what they want – reaching for a dropped object etc.
    • Communication – Babies first have to understand a word before they can recognize it (e.g. get excited when hearing the words ‘dinner time’) and then go on to say the word, then include in sentences, then paragraphs to full blown conversations.
    • Social, Emotional and Behavioural – From having strong bonds mainly with primary care givers, a child will go on to show signs of independence, wanting to interact with other children and having ‘best friends’ to eventually (usually as a teen) the views of peers being more influential than those of their parents.
    • Moral – A toddler has no concept of ‘right and wrong’, they will in time understand the concept of rules and follow them and then enjoy games where they can make up their own rules.   From around the age of nine they will be aware of the consequences of their actions and through teenage years form their own set of morals/values.   You cannot make up rules until you understand what a rule is, and cannot learn...