Pursuit of Pathology

Pursuing Pathology
In the medical world there are many different types of physicians all working together to provide the best treatment possible in both the physical and mental aspects. Pathologists are just one of the many dedicated doctors. According to Summit Pathology their main concern is analyzing body fluids and tissues. From those observations they then work with the patient’s primary care doctor to make a diagnoses and continue monitoring the concern. These specific physicians are behind the scenes but still very crucial to maintaining overall health.
Daily jobs of a pathologist include examining tissue biopsies to determine if they are benign or cancerous. Some pathologists go onto specialize in genetic testing searching for common mutations within various types of cancer. When the site of the mutation is discovered on the DNA strand, testing begins resulting in better treatment options for patients (Summit Pathology and Angela Lewis). This is beneficial for those who have inherited a hereditary disorder. With all the advances in technology pathologist can predict the chances of that patient’s likely hood of passing on the disorder to their offspring.
While this profession requires a lot of time within a lab, pathologist also conduct an abundance of research. Looking through a patients records and analyzing past history, pathologist access your overall health (Summit Pathology). From there they make recommendations to prevent future aliments. This part of the job can be difficult due to the many challenging decisions that have to be made, but medical school will do its best to prepare students under most circumstances.
To be successful in this field, there are a set of skills one needs to acquire. Developing strong communication skills is key. eHow recommends to take writing, speech, and public relation courses. With the amount of lab reports pathologist must complete after each analysis, these classes are prevalent. High school is the best time to...