Pttls Records

Every teacher working within the lifelong learning sector has a duty to maintain a diverse range of records, which can be of mutual benefit to the teacher, learner, and institution alike.   Without these comprehensive records there would be no way to monitor learners’ progress, the business aims of the college, legislative adherence, and funding. In this report, I will further justify this need to keep records, by exploring and describing the different types of records that I currently keep whilst working within the Lifelong learning sector.
The first set of records which are maintained by myself and the college, are created before the course starts during the enrolment period. Personal details about learners’ additional learning needs, contact details and disclosed medical conditions are gathered and recorded, whilst risk assessments are created for   each and every learning environment within the college. During this process students are also required to complete diagnostic tests and initial assessments.
Records of these diagnostic results and additional learning needs are initially the most important records for me as a teacher to maintain. Without these records, I would not be able to enter students for the right level exams, differentiate my lesson appropriately, or provide equality of access to resources, in line with the SENDA requirements of The Disability Discrimination act. This would then be detrimental to the learners’ ability to achieve on the course, which would in turn put the financial stability of the college at risk due to a decreased amount of funding being secured, along with possible legal repercussions.   However by keeping these records I can create an inclusive scheme of work and plan my lessons appropriately to prevent these problems occurring.
Despite these being the most important records for my own personal planning, from the administrative point of view of the college, the learners personal details are equally important. These records...