Ptlls Theroy 6



Our health and safety records such as register of delegates, health and safety at work poster, disclaimers of disabilities are all need to ensure we are adhering to current legislation in our provision of training for ourselves and our delegates and any visitors. As a trainer we have a duty of care to all our visitors and delegates to ensure that they are kept safe and secure in our environment. Not only does this allow us to meet statuary legislation   but also shows the delegates the importance of such records for everybody’s safety.


Our teaching records are the most important documents next to health and safety as they allow us to self assess and identify our own area’s of possible improvement and development. Without keeping these records we would not be able to use these findings to better ourselves and intern would not be able to better our delegates. If our methods of delivery are not successful then it may mean that our quality of training is not even to industry basics. That said this is why we create lesson plans to evaluate the delegates knowledge in the different sections of the course.


It is extremely important that we keep an up to date record of our delegates so we may assess areas for improvement and development within them. The most common used record for this would be an individual learning plan. Following our lesson plans and frequenting question and answer sessions. We can assess the delegates knowledge of each section of course.


Quality assurance records are used to show continuous development for us as trainers and to our clients the delegates. The most basic form for this would be an end of session questionnaire asking the delegates what they thought about the delivered session and how if any the session could be improved upon. This is necessary to provide us as trainers with an up to date feedback method that allows to quantify quality...