Ptlls Level 4 Assignment 1 (Unverified)

Assignment 1
Roles, responsibilities and relationships in lifelong learning.
It is the responsibility of the teacher / trainer to ensure that they know what
they are going to teach, and to be knowledgeable in the topic that they are
going to teach. Be aware of the level of student you are going to teach and
plan accordingly. Offer any help appropriate to the student’s needs. Assess the
This can be summed up using Gravells teaching and learning cycle 2012 Gravells   2012 ,p10

Identifying needs- Before a student comes on a princes trust program they
firstly get an initial interview, where the course will be fully described to the
student so the student can decide if it is suitable for them. If suitable they are
invited to a second interview where we   find out more about the student. E.g.
is there any barrier to the students learning such as disability, funding etc. We
will also get the student to fill in a personal information form where they give
us confidential information regarding mental illness, anger issues, drug misuse.
We then use this information to formulate a personal risk assessment for each
student so we can address any of these issues before they arise.

Planning learning- Effective planning for learning will involve having a suitable
session plan that is clear in its aims, objectives and outcomes. It is important
that all materials needed for session are available on the day, or have a back
a back up plan. A risk assessment needs to be carried out on class room to
make sure it is safe and suitable for purpose, also a personal risk assessment
will be carried out on individuals using any information they have divulged to
us e.g. mental health issues, anger management, so that we can manage a
situation before it develops
Facilitating learning- To carry this out effectively it is important that the tutor
communicates with students at a level appropriate to the learner. Also we
need to set...