Ptlls Ground Rules

Analyse different ways in which you would establish ground rules with your learners
which underpin behaviour and respect for others.

Ground Rules are defined by Francis and Gould as β€œAn agreed code of behaviour within a learning group.” (Francis and Gould, 2010, p.226). To teach effectively and provide a safe, dynamic learning environment the establishment of Ground Rules aids in forming a cohesive group to promote mutual learning without prejudice.

The method chosen to create these boundaries will depend on the subject, the institution, the size and maturity of the group and the confidence of the tutor. Prior to delivery the tutor has a responsibility to have researched rules that are invariable, negotiable or those that can be mutually agreed.

Mandatory rules usually exist for the safety of the tutor and students, when stated in course information, at interview and in pre-read material students are prepared, reducing rebellion and estrangement. A persuasive, non-dictatorial explanation will encourage students to understand. The consequences of non-observation must be clarified and may take the form of a written contract between student and institution. This approach saves time, but places the responsibility of enforcement solely with the tutor.

More general behaviours can be decided by democratic debate by the students interacting with the tutor, which Gravells observes gives the group β€œa sense of ownership, responsibility and rapport building.” (Gravells, 2010, p.31). The group as

a whole could be asked for a show of hands on a topic, whilst the tutor records responses on a flip chart. Or during initial introductions small groups can be directed to reflect on rules and then the ideas can be cascaded into larger groups until the whole group has reached mutual conclusions, (Francis and Gould, 2010.)

Ultimately the ground rules need to be established early in the course. Rules designed by the students are more likely to be adhered to and a...