Ptlls 1.4



A human brain never stops learning rather with age and experience people tend to learn more either for their personal or professional development. (Rogers, 2002) Learning is carried out in various stages which are (Petty, 2009):
1. Knowledge
2. Comprehension
3. Application
4. Analysis
5. Synthesis
6. Evaluation
Adult learners are more responsible than young ones. They are punctual, enthusiastic and take initiative in learning new skills. (Gravells, 2008)
The learning process involves learners, teachers and learning environment. Every learner has to respect other learners and teachers. (Berkeley, 2009) Ground rules ensure the environment is respectful and everyone gets equal opportunities in learning process. (Londondeanery, 2008). These rules will not only define a learner’s boundaries but will help him improve his organisation skills. (Learningandteaching, 2009) Maslow pointed out some factors important for an effective learning or working environment. These factors of his theory are both physiological and psychological including health, food, environment safety and respect. (Envisionsoftware, 2007) The rules have to be mutually agreed upon by both teachers and learners and revisited time to time during the learning activities. (Excellencegateway, 2008) Factors to be kept in mind before setting the rules are (Edchange, 2009):
1. Age of Learners
2. Previous experiences either good or bad
3. Cultural Background
4. Size of the group
5. Ethnic background
These rules could either be controlled or negotiated. The different ways to establish rules are:
1. By designing a contract
2. By group discussion
3. By giving a handout
Whatever method is used a teacher has to have ground rules for himself before expecting learners to adopt them. (Balance-therapy, 2008) The rules are useful if they are in class room visible to everyone...