Psychology Research Cum Practical

Localization of sound

Sound localization refers to a listener's ability to identify the location or origin of a detected sound in direction and distance. It may also refer to the methods in acoustical engineering to simulate the placement of an auditory cue in a virtual 3D space.   Sound localization is an organism's ability to determine the location of a sound and where it originates from directionally. This is an evolutionary adaptive ability because it allows an organism to determine where possible predators are located while they are still at a distance. Auditory systems use different cues for auditory localization such as differences between what each ear is perceiving (which can determine what direction the sound is coming from). Many animals (like some dogs) use ear movement to help determine where a sound is originating from. An example of sound localization is when you are driving and hear an ambulance siren. You want to determine if it is coming near you so you can stop your vehicle if it needs to pass you. Using your auditory perceptions you can determine what direction the siren is coming from and that it is growing fainter. This allows you to determine that the ambulance is traveling away from you and no action is necessary.
The human auditory system allows the body to collect and interpret sound waves into meaningful messages. The main sensory organ responsible for the ability to hear is the ear, which can be broken down into the outer ear, middle ear, and inner ear. The inner ear contains the receptor cells necessary for both hearing and equilibrium maintenance. Human beings also have the special ability of being able to estimate where sounds originate from, commonly called sound localization.

To determine the accuracy with which auditory stimulus is localized and to investigate the conditions that affect localization of sound.
Subject details  
Name: D.K
Age:   19
Gender:   Male
Does localization of...