Promote Professional Development

Name: Paula Parham
Unit 502 – Promote professional development
1.1 Explain the importance of continually improving knowledge and practice
The importance of continually improving my knowledge and working practice is to make sure that I am aware of and adhere to all the current Health and social care standards, legislations and guidelines for good practice in my work place.

Professional development refers to the acquisition of skills and knowledge both for personal development and for career enhancement.

Improving my personal development benefits not only me, but the company I work for, my staff and the service users for who I care for.   It enables me to keep up to date and change proactively to make sure that the service I offer is relevant and appropriate to care for my service users.   .   The service users must be confident that they can trust the people that they receive the care from and that they know what they are doing and do it well.   This should be an ongoing activity which is the “norm” for a care organisation which will enhance the quality of their work, make staff happier which can only make for positive outcomes for the care home and the service users and the staff.
As the manager of the care home I am responsible for others such as staff, my residents, the resident’s families and visitors etc. so it is imperative that I am knowledgeable in all areas of management to enable me to manage effectively and within the legislations set out by CQC
Continuing my professional development has been important for my career and has and will continue to help me progress and gain the promotion I have had within my company.

1.2 Analyse potential barriers to professional development
Potential barriers to continuing professional development could be
• Lack of budget from the organisation – an adequate training budget should be in place and agreed each year to keep up to date with ongoing and new training courses.
• Lack of supportive staff – staff that...