Promote Person Centred Approaches

Promote Person Centred Approaches in Health ans Social Care

1.1 Person-centred care values must influence all aspects of health and social care work. Health and social care should be based on person-centred values, and should be individualised as this is a law requirement (Human Rights Act 1998, Health and Social care Act 2012, Codes of practice for Social Care Workers, etc). If person-centre values that underpin all work in the health and social care sector are followed as they should be then all individuals should feel that and health and social workers ensure that: the individual is supported in accessing their rights, the individual is treated has an individual, the individual is supported to exercise choice, ensure the individual have privacy if they want it, support the individual to be as independent as possible, treat all individuals with dignity and respect.To ensure the above is followed will influence all aspect of health and social care it is important to ensure that all individuals are treated as such and person- centred care should ensure this.

1.2 Care plans are the primary source of client information. We can make individual plans and requirements to suit the specific needs of an individual. The better the care plan the easier it becomes for us to assist a client in their own way without getting into a mess from not understanding the care plans.

3.1 Factors that could influence people to express consent could be any number of things such as diseases, disorders and injuries. In order to express consent a person needs all relevant information and be able to understand that information. For example if a person has a hearing impairment, visual impairment, disability or communication problems then their capacity to give consent might be difficult but with the righthelp then the person can make that decision. The Mental Capacity Act 2005 sets out to supports people to make decisions and has 5 key points .a presumption of capacity - this means...