Promote Equality and Diversity Unit 306

Unit 306 Promote equality, diversity and inclusion in work with children and young people.
UK legislation covering equality and diversity   is extensive, and complex, The Protection from Harassment Act 1997 The Human Rights Act 1998 The Employment Relations Act 1999 The Employment Act 2002 are just a few of the acts overlooking equality and diversity.
Equality is ensuring individuals or groups of individuals are treated fairly and equally and no less favourably, specific to their needs, including areas of race, gender, disability, religion or belief, sexual orientation and age.
Diversity aims to recognise, respect and value people’s differences to contribute and realise their full potential by promoting an inclusive culture for all staff and students.
To alleviate the problems associated with equality and diversity it is regarded as good policy to promote equality and diversity within the work study environment in a positive way, firstly by treating all staff and students fairly as well as creating an inclusive culture and not an exclusive culture.

All pupils have the right to a broad and balanced curriculum. This must also be supported by high-quality teaching and learning experiences.
Schools have a duty to ensure that all pupils have equal access to the curriculum irrespective of their background, race, culture, gender,
additional need or disability.
To understand the importance of supporting the rights of children and young people, it is helpful to look in more detail
at the intended outcomes of legislation, codes of practice and policies. Policies on inclusion and equality of opportunity can only be successful
if they help to raise achievement and to promote self-identity and good relationships through the participation of all children and young people.
Equal opportunity does not mean treating pupils the same, but ensuring that the curriculum meets the individual needs of all pupils. This
involves understanding the barriers which...