Prohibition, the Begining of Organized Crime

Prohibition, The Beginning of Organized Crime

Prohibition is a time period that some consider to be dark ages and bad times for America. It all started with the temperance movements, which believed alcohol was a main contributing factor in bad home life, divorce, and physical abuse of women and children. Alcohol was also believed to be harmful to physical and mental health. Prohibition started with the passing of the 18th amendment, which outlawed the sale, making, and distribution of alcohol. 46 of the 48 states voted in favor of the bill, with Connecticut and Rhode Island being the two to vote against it. When the bill passed, the public demand for alcohol rose even more.

This lead to bootlegging and organized crime. Bootlegging consisted of selling alcohol illegally. These bootleggers were supplied by moonshiners, people   and rumrunners. Rumrunners were people who would illegally bring alcohol into the country by ship, they included a whole crew and very smart captains who were able to avoid the coast guard. Moonshiners were people who illegally made alcohol. Most moonshine operations were up in mountains where it was difficult for police to find, let alone catch them. The origin of the name comes from people who would make homemade whiskey by moonlight. They would make   it at night so they wouldn’t get caught. Now that there were bootleggers, rumrunners, and moonshiners, people needed a place to drink all this liquor without being caught. Thats where speakeasies came in.

Speakeasies were illegal bars that were difficult for law enforcement to find. They sold beer, wine, and liquor, and required a secret code, handshake, or knock to get in. Speakeasies were for anybody, from the average joe to politicians and law officers. Places like the 21 Club and the Cotton Club played host to a variety of famous people. Thanks to speakeasies a new culture arose. Women started to enter the party scene, and the Jazz Age blossomed here. Artists such as Louis...