Productive and Counter-Productive

Productive and Counterproductive Behaviors

Chastity Meeks


September 12, 2011
Dr. Pearl Smith

Productive and Counterproductive Behaviors

      In today’s society we have many issues that affect how an organization will be able to use to become successful. Productive behaviors are considered the best behavior an employee can attain while a counterproductive behavior is a liability on the success of the organization.
Productive Behavior and Job Performance
      According to Jex & Britt (2008), productive behavior can be defined as employee behavior that contributes to the goals and objectives of the organizations. Productive behaviors can help the company increase their profits and productivity. Job performance can affect how employers compensate the employee, it affects the ways goals set for the company, and it can also affect the way the company hire new employees.   According to Campbell’s (1990, 1994), there are six performance dimensions that must be performed within a given occupational position. Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB)   recently has been shown to enhance organizational performance (Jex & Britt, 2008). Technical knowledge resources, external communication and managerial attitudes toward change are the most general predictors of innovation (Jex & Britt, 2008).
Counterproductive Behavior and Job Performance
Because the majority of employees behave in ways that contribute positive to the organizations but not always the case in organizations. Counterproductive behavior can be defined as behavior that explicitly runs counter to the goals of an organization (Jex & Britt, 2008). Since there is an underlying cause for counterproductive behaviors the previous definition makes no assumption about the cause or motives (Schat & Kelloway, 2005). There are many different forms of counterproductive behaviors that can affect the organization in a negative way or have a negative outcome. Job performance, absenteeism, turnover, and...