Procedures for Accidents and Incidents

In the event of an accident the following procedure must be followed in my setting.
• Stay calm
• Deal first with the dangerous situation.
• Talk to the child to see if they respond.
• If possible, remove the child, other children and yourself from danger. You must not move the injured child if you suspect they are seriously injured; however in this case, call the emergency services.
• Remember that some young children may not be able to explain their injuries so you will need to check the child very carefully. This includes checking their airway, breathing and circulation to see if they have a pulse.
• Put the child in the recovery position.
Less serious and minor accident can be dealt with easily provided this includes:
• Grazes
• Nose bleeds
• Bumps
• Minor burns
• Bruises
In the event of incidents
Incidents could include any non-medical emergency, such as:
• A child going missing.
• A security issue, for example, threats of violence from a parent other individual.
• A break-in.
• A flood, gas leak or electrical failure.
• An attack on me, a child or my assistant
• Any racist incident involving me, a child or my assistant.
The procedures are:
• Carry out a thorough search of your home and outside areas to make sure that child is not hiding or trapped somewhere.
• Check doors and gates to make sure that they are still securely fastened.
• Ask old children if they know where the missing child is.
• Contact the child’s parents and report the child as missing to the police.
Reporting accidents and incidents
When reporting accidents or incidents the guidelines of Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences (RIDDOR) (1995) must be followed. The following information should be recorded in the accident report book:

• The name of the person injured
• The date and the time of the injury
• Where the accident happened
• What injuries resulted
• What treatment was given
• My signature...