Position of a Rural Woman


Educate a girl child and liberate the community so it is said. I am by nature a honorary of women having enjoyed almost all my privileges from the mercies of women. Women you ought to listen to this and men too.

The gap between the elite woman and the critical mass of women i would refer to as the rural women, those living in poverty and isolation is alarming. Women go through alot which is kept under the lid of culture and men patriarchy. Women in this country have since time imemmorial lived in disparities in education in terms of late entry, re-admissions, dropouts, completion and limited time to concetrate on studies due to unpaid labour charge, rampant sexual violence both in and outside marriage that culture is so silent on, lack of acces to justice, limited control over their bodies, inadequte sexual and reproductive health, patriarchy, culture, unlimited physical violence and denied acces to natural resources like land and major family assets.

This background puts women off the radar of power. Now, power is a key determinant and perpetuator of inequalities and injustices among the women folk. Development is about resources and resources are about management, management is about distribution and re-distribution which is anchored on power. Who holds power, who wields power and acessibility to power!!?

I write to seek that the aspiring women representatives and other stakeholders have to the problems. I insist on them sharing some of the formulae they have towards liberating women from this bondage. I beg to request for a demonstration on how they will empower women, build solidarity with them and initaite compaigns that will aim to influence policy change, elicit actions towards alternative source of livelihood for this critical mass that is empty of hope and blurred future to enable change their behaviour and attitudes to fully participate in leadership from a political, social, economic, cultural and...