
Pollution is the contamination of air, water, or atmosphere by substances that are harmful to the living organisms. It is caused by human activities such as spilling of oil and wasting poisonous material from industries and factories. It is also caused by natural disasters. Those natural disasters could be volcanic explosions. Volcanic explosions release gases that are dangerous to the atmosphere. Specifically, the three major types of pollution on the earth are land, water, and noise pollution.
First, land pollution is the damage of earth’s surface by industrial, domestic, agriculture, and commercial activities. Certainly, dumping of industrial waste pollutes earth’s natural surface. Mining, oil refineries, human sewage, deforestation, and littering are the other causes of land pollution. In addition, urbanization and industrialization are mainly responsible for polluting the natural surface of the earth. Urbanization is the growth of urban areas into rural areas due to the increase in population. Also, the movement of people from villages to cities causes land pollution because they are developing and industrializing the society. Industrialization is the process of converting an agricultural society to an industrial society—introducing industry to the society. However, land pollution can be prevented by many different ways. Recycling, avoiding pesticides, littering waste, and dumping motor oil on the ground would help reduce land pollution. So would the use of organic food and reusable items.
Second, water pollution is the contamination of natural water by harmful substances that are discharged into large bodies of water such as lakes, rivers, groundwater, and oceans. It is mainly caused by the disposal of chemical substances from industries, human and animal waste, oil spilling, mining, pesticides, household chemicals, agriculture waste, and fertilizers. Additionally, bacteria produced from sewage and other waste material causes the water to be...