Police Misconduct Response

Police Misconduct Response

Alexis Lucca


                                    James Weidig

      Police Misconduct Response

      When it comes to policing, officers must conduct themselves in a professional matter

with good judgment, to know what is right or wrong and is not one sided when it comes to

dealing with certain situations on the job. This is what we call having ethics. Merrian Webster

dictionary defines ethics as an area of study that deals with ideas about what is good and bad

behavior; a branch of philosophy dealing with what is morally right or wrong.

      For police officers, it is very important that they be on the same page regarding the rules,

regulations, and ethics that are important to their jobs. The value systems instilled by their

organization can educate and guide police officers so that they make the right decisions when the

law is broken, or so that they know how to make a decision that was not covered in their training.

Policing at times may have a number of potential gray areas, and some of the decisions that

police officers make need to be both ethical to make most people involved happy and feel fairly

treated. A police officer's oath is when they promise to protect and serve the community as best

they can, protect the law, and to act in an ethical way.

      Being a police officer can come with temptation. A police officer at times may be

tempted to   take a bribe or   steal something that they may have access to, or work with a corrupt

system. A bribe is money or a gift given to a police officer in hopes that it would keep their

mouth quiet regarding to a crime that is being committed. Police may take bribes in exchange for

overlooking criminal activities or as a one-time payoff to let a criminal off of the hook without

being arrested.

      Police misconduct is...