Pole to Pole

Pole to Pole:
The North Pole and the South Pole have opposite types of environment, but are important to all living things in between.   This environment is caused by the sunward tilt of the Earth's orbit.   This creates the different seasons that has a great deal to do with things such as the way we and all other creatures live our lives.  
The environment has two different parts:   The first consists of the non-living and all physical things such as air, water, soil, sunlight, climate and temperature.   Air is the atmosphere that surrounds the earth.   Water is necessary to all life on earth and is the biggest part of fluid inside cells of all organisms.   Soil is a mixture of rock and mineral particles, water, air, and remains of dead organisms.   Sunlight is the energy source for most life on Earth and determines the temperature in any area.   The second part consists of the living and all organisms that live together and interact with each other.   This is basically an ecosystem that consists of all organisms living in an area as well as non-living parts.
The five different ways mountains are formed are from volcanic activity, folding, faulting, dome building , and erosion.   Volcanic mountains are formed when molten rock or magma deep within the earth erupts and piles on the surface. Fold mountains are formed when two plates collide and their edges crumble.   Faulting mountains form when faults or cracks in the earth crush force some materials or blocks of rock up and others down.   The earth fractures and blocks are stacked instead of the earth folding over.   Dome mountains are formed when a large amount of melted rock pushes its way up under the earth without folding or faulting and results in a rounded dome.   As the dome rises above its surrounding, erosion occurs and peaks and valley are formed.   Plateau   mountains are really plateaus that have worn down from erosion.   Water and wind causes most of the erosion of mountains.
The Mountains are home...