Poem Anthology

Poem anthology project

Poem 1-you’re

Poem 2-Cake

Poem 3-Self

Poem 4-leaves on the floor

Poem 5-diamante

Poem 6-no one like her

Poem 7-snowing

Poem 8-My trouble saver

Poem 9-Beauties of the night

Poem 10-Faith

Poem 11-Lost

Poem 12-

Burning with warmth from an oven,
Spread with that sweet smell of baking.
The sound of laughter ringing in my ears.
My place to be me, found within you.

Like a blanket; cozy and tender
Like a guard, always protective.
The spark that makes the shining stars so bright,
My dazzling colored rainbow
Bringing comfort and joy,
Beyond any treasure I ever possessed.

Shrinking my gaze by each second
Hands always opens to my heart
Antique or old but filled with just my love.

Burning with warmth from an oven,
Spread with that sweet smell of baking.
The sound of laughter ringing in my ears.
My place to be me, found within you.

Like a blanket; cozy and tender
Like a guard, always protective.
The spark that makes the shining stars so bright,
My dazzling colored rainbow
Bringing comfort and joy,
Beyond any treasure I ever possessed.

Shrinking my gaze by each second
Hands always opens to my heart
Antique or old but filled with just my love.

Poem 1-You’re

Poem 2- Cake

A scrummy, soothing cake
Created for just you and I
With and extra topping of growing love
Now don’t be shy,
Go ahead and take a bite!
Poem 2- Cake

A scrummy, soothing cake
Created for just you and I
With and extra topping of growing love
Now don’t be shy,
Go ahead and take a bite!

Poem 3- Self
That warm place where I used to live…
You were the home within my heart
And I was the beam of your light.
Admiring how your land was fresh and green
Flashbacks of pouring floods of rain
Memories soaring through the skies,
That place where I gained hope and strength
No matter how high the peak leaned.

My fears were let lose and set wild.
I thank you for such beloved times
When I grew tall...