Poe Murders Play

When I first heard of the play I thought it wouldn’t be very entertaining since I’m not really a big fan of theater. Afterwards, though, was a whole different story, I was blown away by how interesting the plot was and how the actors performed on stage. The play started with a professor telling the story of how his students were involved in a series of murders, or so we think. The whole first half of the show was about how each of his students were involved in a murder eerily similar to the stories written by Edgar Allen Poe. The professor finds out that all his students are taking part and tries to stop them before each dirty deed is done. Yet each time he fails, the student is then dragged away by a pair of detectives. When he goes to stop the last student at a masquerade party, he finds the last student being taken away by the attendants. When he goes to save her, he finds all of the people at the party are indeed his students, and his students viciously murder him. At least that’s what they want you to think, but he is indeed not. The audience is fooled, for the murders and the professor being killed is a lie. It instead is a project called the Poe Project put together by the professor. Yet there is a twist, the professor in reality is facing a story of his own, one that is almost exactly like a story from a Poe story. One where his sister is going to die and come back to life, and where the house is not just a house but a living thing. His life is in danger, so in a frightened state he gathers the students at his house. The students clueless to what is going on, are indeed taken back when his sister does in fact die, and comes back to life and kills him. The students run out of the house, and when the turn around see the house split in two and being swallowed up by the earth. The play indeed has a dark atmosphere, and has a very unique plot. I was very entertained throughout the whole thing, and had me on the edge of my seat, to see what was going to happen...