Plato and Socrates

Plato and Socrates

In this chapter, the book analyzes Plato and Socrates’ works.   They were huge people in the subject of philosophy, famous for their ideas they brought out to the world.   Without them, we wouldn’t be questioning and formulating ideas about such philosophical things as we do today.
Plato is said to be one of the greatest philosophers who ever lived. He was also the first philosopher to write systematically on subjects of philosophical matters.   He lived from 427-347 B.C.E in Athens Greece.   He lived in Athens under the rule of the Athenian leader Pericles.  
Plato was Socrates disciple. Plato was the founder of the Academy in Athens. The academy of Athens was the first school of philosophy. Plato was the teacher of Aristotle and he was used as an advisor to the great leaders of Athens at the time. He wrote such works as the Republic, The Apology, Phaedo, and Timacus. These pieces were named “ a series of footnotes to Plato” by Alfred North Whitehead, a British philosopher.
Socrates lived from 470-399 B.C.E. he was considered to be the father of moral philosophy. Although he didn’t write anything himself, we have information about him and his beliefs through the writings of Plato. When he lived in Athens, the government made it clear that all free males had an equal voice in the government.  
Socrates spent much of his time conversing about different philosophical ideas with people in Athens.   Some of the things that were brought up in this conversations were ideas about what are justice, friendship, self control, piety, and virtue, how do we teach virtue, does anyone do evil voluntarily, and so on. He saw himself as someone who serves his fellow Athenians without pay, but most people just saw his as very pompous and they thought he thought to highly of himself and considered him a pain, So eventually they brought him to trial.
From this I learned that Plato thought that knowledge was the highest good. He questioned everything because he...