Plant Cells Versus Solar Cells

Louis Pasteur once said “There are no such things as applied sciences, only applications of science.” Today, we’re going to put that theory to the test with a comparison of natural and man-made sunlight to energy sources. We will be comparing and contrasting the photosynthesis in plant cells versus semiconductor-based solar cells. First we will discuss how plant cells turn sunlight into energy using photosynthesis. After that we will discuss how semiconductor-based solar cells transfer sunlight into usable energy. We will also go over a few similarities and differences between the two. Lastly, we’ll explain how the laws of thermodynamics affect both systems.
Plants are natures little energy engines. They are made of millions of cells each with their own job and purpose. One purpose above all others is energy production. Without the plants ability to produce energy, it could not survive and in turn, neither could we. Plants use the process of photosynthesis to transform sunlight to energy. Photosynthesis happens during two different times known as reactions. These reactions are called the light reaction and the dark reaction. As can be assumed by the names, these reactions happen during specific times throughout the day and night. As sunlight radiates from the sun and down to earth, plants are here to absorb it. They absorb the sunlight by letting it into their cells. The part of the cell which stores this light is known as chlorophyll. As the chlorophyll absorbs this energy it attracts water from inside the plant and breaks this water apart into oxygen, protons, and electrons. The oxygen is released into the world as clean air and the protons and electrons are used to make adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide diphosphate (NADPH2). ("Photosynthesis") These two compounds are then used during the dark reaction to create carbohydrates. This mixed with some carbon dioxide from the environment is what the plant uses for energy. As people...