
Some scholars argue that "for our democracy to thrive citizens must think critically." What is your understanding of this statement and do you agree?
To think critically is to analyze and evaluate a form of literature, a situation, a process or idea. In more plain text to ponder the who’s, the what’s, the when’s a the where’s but also follow through with the results. In a democracy all citizens should get together and come to a conclusion, in this case a law, together through critical thinking as what steps should be taken to further the advancement of their state. If citizens did their duty then the democracy should thrive. It seems logical that if citizens think critically then a democracy should thrive and therefore I agree with the statement.
Provide two examples as to how citizens can think critically in our political process.
Elections of any type and scale are a perfect example of when citizens can think critically because when we decide on a certain legislation or a leader of any position we have to analyze their history as servants of the community and evaluate what they have to bring to the table and what they are offering to bring to the table. Another example would be when we decide to act and do more than just vote when we engage in political movements to help a cause that we might think is worthy of our time and effort.

Provide two examples in which you made decisions thinking critically within the last year. Earlier in the year I allowed my mother to move in with me and my husband because she needed time to reevaluate her and my father’s relationship. I thought that it was the best choice because she was not financially stable and I had room for her to be comfortable. I also thought I could put in my perspective and see her view and try to understand where the relationship had gone wrong. My father is not perfect and neither is my mother, everyone is not perfect but your try to understand and with the statistics saying that one in two...