Personality Analysis

Personality Analysis: Learning and Humanist/Existential Theories
Individuals are continually making changes in individual behavior patterns, and it is through these changes and processes an individual learns resulting in the definition and formation of learning theories by professionals (Feist & Feist, 2009). Some of the major theories of learning include works of B. F. Skinner on behaviorism, and Albert Bandura, Julian Rotter, and Walter Mischel’s works regarding cognitive social theories (Feist & Feist, 2009). The psychology of personal constructs by George Kelly also is important work involving learning theories (Feist & Feist, 2009). The study of an individual’s values, responsibility, potential, and experiences allow the insight to some of the more important humanist/existential works and theories of Abraham Maslow, Carl Rogers, and Rollo May (Hoffman, 2004). The knowledge regarding the learning theory and the humanist/existential theories by these gentlemen would present a clearer and more exact picture of personality and humanity if combined (Hoffman, 2004). The combination would reveal how the two theories address and show the reaction to an external environment and the effect it has on the individual’s internal climate (Feist & Feist, 2009).
Situational Behavior and Personality
The mutual exchange the individual experiences between behavior, environment, and cognitive abilities is reflective of the learning theory (Feist & Feist, 2009). When an individual carries the belief or expectation that he or she can meet goals or finish task relates to self efficacy and the level of self efficacy portrays how an individual will react in part to the specific situation (Feist & Feist, 2009). Self efficacy and the individual’s prior behavior, personal expectations, and environment working in combination with each other results in individual behavior according to Bandura’s views (Feist & Feist, 2009).
Individuals learn through trial and error. Learning through the...