Personal Statment

I have always enjoyed being outdoors; from an early age I have ridden and looked after horses which means I have spent most of life outside. This has led to a natural interest in the world outside and as I have grown older has led to an interest in the processes which shape our world. I chose to study geography at GCSE and continued this study onto A-level; throughout these courses I have especially enjoyed studying physical geography and learning about things such as natural disasters and tectonic activity and global issues such as climate change and global warming. As part of my A-level course I completed a research study about cold environments which was something I enjoyed studying. I am also interested in a wide range of geographical subjects from the beginnings of our earth to today’s environment and the impact of humanity on the world’s natural processes and cycles I am interested in how the world works and how this can be used to our advantage to solve global issues.
For my A-levels I studied geography, chemistry and business studies and feel that these subjects have prepared me to commit fully to this degree. I am especially interested in the scientific processes behind the workings of the earth and I feel that taking chemistry has provided me with a solid scientific knowledge which will aid me on the course. I feel that studying geography has given me with a keen interest in the world we live in and studying business has given me a sound business knowledge which I feel will be advantageous to me in the future.
During my A-levels I worked towards completing my Duke of Edinburgh’s Gold award and have only my final expedition to complete. I have found that the expedition part of the award has allowed me to gain an appreciation of river processes as our group has chosen to do canoeing for the expedition, the expedition itself has also taught me the value of teamwork   and how each individual must work together to achieve a common goal. For my residential...