Personal Criminological Theory

Personal criminological theory
The crime is known as the phenomenon of criminals or commit acts outside the rules imposed by society, but little about the genuine reasons a young person can enter this world.
These causes are diverse origins can be organic, physiological, pathological, external influences such as the environment in which they develop the first years of his life, lack of affection, and attention from parents or just misdirected.
From my point of view, social factors such as family environment and family dominate the extra source of crime. This is home and social environment. Membership in a dysfunctional family, and even difficulties in reconciling work and family life, usually in situations arising neglect and lack of boundaries and control over the children. Some young people try to fill these gaps by joining youth gangs, characterized by transgressive attitudes; One of the reasons young people commit crimes between middle adolescence is that, at this time many Young people can learn to adapt itself without the help of a parent or guardian.
The age at which young people commit offenses is from nine to 17 years, The phenomenon of delinquency peaks between 13 and 15; For a period in which adolescents are particularly likely to interact with other children their age. The teen band serves both as a youth social bond agent developed and channeling his   aggression toward adults. Like the animal world, the boy band takes the security of a territory. The obsession with security is guaranteed by the territory integrity and loyalty, about the group that often becomes recklessness.
Has a greater number of boys than girls, and therefore there is a difference depending on the type and severity of crimes committed. The young are often the petty theft and prostitution, although abundant among youth physical aggression, theft, disorderly conduct, etc.
All children under 13 to 14 years directed most of their criminal acts against property. At the end of...