Persona Letter to Newspaper About Greensboro Boys

Some laws are inherently wrong.
It is possible for a Congress, even though legally elected, to pass an immoral or even unconstitutional law. We are only human.
We saw this way back in 1798 with the Alien and Sedition Acts, passed by a Federalist congress in attempts to silence the Antifederalist opposition.
The Declaration of Independence clearly defines freedom, and one of the points is “protection from the tyranny of the majority.” Since we are all brothers in Christ here (and it doesn’t matter if you are not, because these teachings are fundamental to human kindness and love), He taught us to love our neighbors even as ourselves; creating inane rules to “separate” blacks from whites, for no other reason than tradition and wanting to keep things the way they are, is inherently wrong.
The boys at the lunch counter in Greensboro seem to characterize something much larger to come; already for the past decade, small outbursts like this have been signifying the Blacks realizing these obvious truths that we have been holding down through thoroughly unconstitutional and morally wrong Jim Crow laws.
I think, along the topic of humans being human and errors possible to happen, that Plessy v. Ferguson was a valiant attempt to uphold what many Americans held dear, and if the wording had been stronger, might not be entirely bad. But as it is, it allows for states and communities to make the “equal” facilities. However, anyone can tell you upon close inspection that they are not equal. Whites in a front entrance and shiny counters vs. standing blacks? Or blacks who can’t even go in the building but must use a window outside the kitchen? This seems not equal.
There was no law, despite what my opponent might say or imply, against just sitting down at the lunch counter. Loitering? Maybe, but it’s a stretch; they weren’t harming anyone. Some might say they just wanted to be served lunch. No one was hurt, and calling the police was an unnecessary use of city funds.
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