Person Centred

Unit 64 – Undertake Agreed Pressure Area Care
Unit code: HSC 2024
Unit reference number: T/601/8721
QCF level: 2
Credit value: 2
Guided learning hours: 30

1. Describe the anatomy and physiology of the skin in relation to skin breakdown and the development of pressure sores.
There are four stages in relation to the skin breaking down which causes pressure sores. It is important that the stages are looked at to determine the sort of pressure sore they may have and the treatment they will require.
Stage 1 – Skin may appear reddened like a bruise. The skin remains intact and there are no breaks or tears in the skin but the area is at risk of further breakdown.
Stage 2 – Skin breaks open, wears away and forms an ulcer.
Stage 3 – The sore gets worse and extends beneath the skin surface, forming a small crater. There could be no pain at this time due to nerve damage. The risk of tissue dying and infection is high.
Stage 4 – Pressure sores progress, with damage to the deeper tissues and serious complications can occur such as infections of the bone and sepsis.

2. Identify pressure sites of the body.
Areas where pressure sores are likely to appear are lower back, shoulders, hips, heels, inner knees and elbows.

3. Identify factors which might put an individual at risk of skin breakdown and pressure sores.
Factors that may put individuals at risk of pressure sores are confinement to a bed, chair or wheelchair, inability to change positions with the help of others, loss of bladder control and poor nutrition or dehydration.

4. Describe how incorrect handling and moving techniques can damage the skin.
By using incorrect moving and handling techniques you may put residents at risk of pressure sores. This can happen when residents are moved into:
    - Chairs they may be unable to get out of it .The seat surface, covering or padding may cause uneven distribution.
    - Wheelchairs which may be ill-fitting, causing pressure. Skin may be damaged on contact...