Pdp Explanations

This is for the date of the day that you are completing the form. This can then be used to set a deadline dependent on how long you predict that this training in particular will take you.This will also help you to predict future timescales.
What are my development aims and objectives?
Your development aims and objectives are where you visualize your training will take you. You will have identified a weakness in your practice/training already and your aims and objectives improve this.
What activities/training do I need to undertake to achieve these aims and objectives?
The activities/training required are the steps that you must follow to achieve your chosen aims and objectives. Activities can constitute any learning or development activity that will enable you to achieve your development ojectives e.g. formal training, on-the-job training, work-shadowing another colleague, etc.

What support/resources do I need to address my training needs?
You may need the support of your manager to put you on a relevant training course. Support/Resources describe what you need to help you achieve your development objectives.   Typically this would involve support from your manager, department or colleague to enable you to undertake a learning or development activity such as allowing you time away from your role or funding.
How will this benefit my social care work?
Any training that you do as a care worker will benefit you and there are many areas to cover, which skill has this training provided you with?
Actual Date of Completion
Review Date
It is helpful to record a deadline and the actual date of completion because it highlights any delays in completion which can be discussed at the review stage to avoid them re-occurring and also helps to predict accurate dates for future.