P-Value Significance Article Analysis

P-Value Significance Article Analysis (I2)
Sarah Martin
RES 342
September 22, 2010
Stephen Loro

P-Value Significance Article Analysis (I2)
  * Research Problem:
The problem is that a specific assessment for testing readiness skills is lacking for children entering kindergarten (Allen, August 2009).
  * Research Question:
  1. Is there a significant difference between school readiness screening scores of pre-kindergarten students who participated in any type of early childhood educational programs and the pre-kindergarten students who did not participate in any type of early childhood education program (Allen, August 2009)?
  2. Is there a significant difference between school readiness screening scores of pre-kindergarten male and female students upon their entrance into kindergarten (Allen, August 2009)?
  * Research Purpose:
The purpose of this research was to identify the difference in the school readiness scores of students who experienced some type of early childhood programs as opposed to students who did not participate in an early childhood program and the difference in school readiness screening scores between female and male students involved in this study (Allen, August 2009).
  * Hypothesis:
  * Null
  1. There is no significant difference between the school readiness screening scores of the pre-kindergarten students who participated in any type of early childhood education programs and the pre-kindergarten students who did not participate in any type of early childhood educational program (Allen, August 2009).
  2. There is no significant difference between the school readiness screening scores of the pre-kindergarten male and female students upon their entrance into kindergarten (Allen, August 2009).
  1. There is a significant difference between the school readiness screening scores of the pre-kindergarten students who participated in any type of early childhood education programs and the pre-kindergarten...