Organisational Behaviour.

What is organisational behaviour.
According to (Vandeveer and Menefee, 2009: n/a) organisational behaviour (OB) is the ‘study of human behaviour in the workplace, the interaction between people and the organisation with the intent to un derstand and predict human behaviour’.
Moreover, they go on to strongly emphasise how vital the study of   OB is, for it is a key component in order for an organisation to become a success and develop a strong and respected leader. For if you want be a successful and strong leader it is only logical that you need to know what type of people you employ and how they behave or react under pressure as well as the behaviour of the organisation itself. There are three main levels of analysis regarding OB according to George and Jones (2011), these are organisational level; group level; individual level.
Figure 1: The Organisational Iceberg
Source: Robbins and Coulter (2013).
Figure 2: Focus of OB

Source: Robbins and Coulter (2013).
As illustrated in figure 2, and previously mentioned, OB focuses on three main areas these are individual, group and organisational.
Figure 3: Goals of OB

Source: Robbins and Coulter (2013).
The goals of OB are ‘to explain, predict and influence behaviour. Managers need to be able to explain why employees engage in some behaviour more than others, predict how some employees will respond to various actions and decisions, and influence how employees behave’ (Robbins and Coulter, 2013: n/a).

According to (2015) Asda’s roots trace all the way back to the 1920’s when a group of Yorkshire farmers formed “Hindell’s Dairies”. Initially they processed and retailed milk and meat to a growing local consumer market. They did extremely well selling these products so eventually decided to expand by buying more dairies and diversify by buying ‘abattoirs, bakeries, shops, four managed farms and 22 rented farms’ (, 2015: n/a). In 1949 they entered the stock exchange by becoming...