Operations Final Paper

In the mkt. share model, the seller is willing to take a lower price because of the potential mass mkt. appeal of the product, resulting in substantially higher sales volumes. (F) Value analysis is traditionally applied to tangible products and as such cannot be applied to services.   (F) Nego. is an inefficient way to convey the buyer’s specific sourcing reds and specifications to its supply base. Coercive pwr includes the ability to punish the other party. Which of the following is not 1 of the essential elements to an enforceable contract? Offer, acceptance, consideration, due diligence, n1 of the above.   Which of the following is not 1 of the six phases of a project? Precompletion, project definition, preliminary studies, performance, postcompletion. According to the UCC, which of the following is not 1 of the buyer’s rights? Reject defective goods that the seller cannot repair within a reasonable time. Unilaterally cancel a purch. contract for any reason. Revoke acceptance of goods if the buyer discovers defects. Seek a court order forcing the seller to deliver the goods. Retain the right to recover costs and expenses caused by a breach of contract. (F) Price is solely a function of the supply denominator (T) cost. Strategic Cost Mgt. Price analysis- process of comparing supplier prices against external price benchmarks, w/out direct knowledge of supplier cost. Cost analysis- process of analyzing each individual cost element that adds up to the final cost. Total cost analysis- applies the price/cost equation across multiple processes that span two or more orgs. across a supply chain. Strategic Cost Mgt.- by applying above tools, purch.rs can evolve toward a system that seeks to reduce costs across the entire supply chain. Price analysis- external forces cause prices to rise or fall. Competition (cheaper) as well as supply and demand drives prices in the mkt. place. The supplier’s mkt. condition has a major influence on price.   Mkt. environment is driven by:...