On Food Inc

On Food Inc.

We seldom think seriously about where does the food come from and how is it produced. "Food, Inc.", a frank and sometimes gruesome expose of the profit-driven food business in the United States, is guaranteed to shake up our perceptions of what we eat.

Factory system was brought to the back of the restaurant kitchen, after which food began to be produced on assembly lines. From the film, we can see that health and safety are often overlooked by those companies, and are often overlooked by government in an effort to provide cheap food regardless of these negative consequences. According to statistics, 70% of antibiotics are used on farm animals. By the agency of antibiotics and hormone, the costs of food production are lower and lower. But cheap food today might be a false economy as we might end up paying a lot more in medical bills in the future. Because hormone abuses may affect human’s endocrine, and antibiotic abuses will lead to drug tolerance, which may influence the treatment of diseases.

Unfortunately, having junk food and fast food has become a great all-American passion. What’s worse, this passion is spreading all over the world rapidly. I advise that we should eat organic food more often. Last but not least, I am seeing the instability of this food production model in our country -China, and wish those inspired by the film to learn more about the issues, and act to change the world.